Shipped/Locale management at enterprise scale

July 23, 2024

Locale management at enterprise scale

Managing and working with a large number of locales in your Uniform project has become more streamlined.

Grouping and tagging of locales

When working with many locales for specific markets or regions it can be very time consuming to apply the right changes for each region and language while keeping a good overview. Our new locale management enhancements allow you to group locales to represent a market or region, making it easier to work with larger sets of locales.

Additionally, you'll have the option to tag related locales for bulk actions, like sharing translations across all locales using the same language or to localize content for a specific region.

Bulk selection and actions across locales

Both locale groups and tags can be used to perform various bulk operations such as:

Learn more on how to localize across different markets in our latest recipe.
