Knowledge Base/Getting started with behavior-based personalization

Getting started with behavior-based personalization

Getting startedWeb producerPersonalizationRecipe

Visitors will have different behaviors on your website, focused on finding the specific content that satisfies their in-the-moment intent.

Tracking real-time behavior is a perfect trigger for personalization; let’s look at how you can get started with behavior-based personalization.

In Uniform tracking, behavior is done through enrichments, where an enrichment consists of the enrichment (a category) with multiple enrichment values.

Typical enrichments would be mapped using your site structure and taxonomies. As an example, imagine your site has the following top-level sections:

  • Home
  • Services
    • Service A
    • Service ..
    • Service K
  • Articles
  • Industries
    • Automobile
    • ..
    • Manufacturing
  • Cases
  • About us
  • Careers
  • Investor relations

Visitors could look at specific services or go deep with industries, cases, etc. With enrichments, you would know and can use that to show more content related to the specific behavior.

Using the above examples, the following enrichments would make sense.

Site interest: Help track which sections the visitor is most interested in with the following values:

  • Services
  • Articles
  • Industries
  • Cases
  • About us
  • Careers
  • Investor relations

Service: Help track which specific service the visitor is looking for with the following values:

  • Service A
  • Service ..
  • Service K

Industries: Help track which industries the visitor is looking at with the following values:

  • Automobile
  • ..
  • Manufacturing

With the above enrichments in place, you can use Site interest to understand if a visitor is looking at investor relations and show them the latest updates; if they are looking at careers, you might want to consider highlighting more about why you are a great company to work for, if they are looking at services, then using that in combination with the Service enrichment will help you target more content about the specific service when they browse high-level pages.

New enrichments can be created in the Uniform Visual Workspace.

Next, you want to use the enrichment and associate it with the right content, below is how that is enabled in Uniform.

Compositions can be tagged with enrichments using the Uniform Visual Workspace.

Finally, we want to use enrichments for triggering personalization. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Uniform Visual Workspace
  2. Headless CMS where the mapping for personalization is handled in another system
Enrichment-based personalization can be configured in the Uniform Visual Workspace.

Coming soon

Last modified: January 6, 2025