Uniform manifest contains the configuration for personalization and A/B testing. This "config" file is needed for the web application instrumented with Uniform SDK in order to execute personalization or run an A/B test. Before changes to manifest can be used, it needs to be published. This guide shows different ways to publish a manifest.
Easiest way if you have access to uniform.app, is to navigate to the Optimization
area and click the Publish button. Top tip: the button will show the number of unpublished entities in manifest, if any.
You need to install the Uniform CLI to be able to do this via npm install @uniformdev/cli
and provide your Uniform project ID and API key into the .env
file then run this npm script: uniform context manifest publish
See a working example of this in one of our Next.js starters here.
Run the following POST request: https://uniform.app/api/v1/publish?siteId=<your-project-id>
: <insert your API key>
Expected response: 204 No Content
After manifest publishing, the following webhook event is executed: manifest.published
So if you have any functionality that needs to be notified about manifest publish, like a website rebuild, setup a webhook target using this webhook event type.