
Recipes are examples of how to complete specific tasks with Uniform.


These recipes are for marketers, merchandisers, and other business users.

Getting startedMarketerPersonalization
Getting startedMarketerLocalizationExperience OperationsAI
Getting startedMarketerPersonalization
Getting startedMarketerExperience Operations
Getting startedMarketerExperience Operations
Getting startedMarketerExperience OperationsPatterns

These are recipes for developers, architects, and other technical users.

An advanced approach to making personalization even easier to maintain for content authors.
Uniform Context dev tools are a helpful tool for testing and debugging personalization. Activating it requires a Context plug-in, which usually requires code changes. This recipe describes how to configure your front-end application.
How to setup automatic email notification for items in Uniform workflow which requires approval
How toDeveloperExperience Operations
How to use Uniform to connect to an external system with content you want to use in Uniform, without having to write any code.