Integration CLI commands

The commands in this section allow you to manage project assets that involve Uniform's integrations features. This includes:

  • Managing team-level custom integration definitions
  • Managing custom integrations' custom edgehancer code
  • Managing installation of integrations on projects


All integration related commands require an API key with Team Admin level permissions.

Examples assume you have set the UNIFORM_API_KEY, UNIFORM_PROJECT_ID, and UNIFORM_TEAM_ID environment variables. Optional command arguments can be used in place of these if desired.

Developer preview

This feature is in developer preview. Use with caution as it may change unexpectedly. For more information, contact us.

Registers a custom integration definition on a team. The API key used must have team admin permissions.


uniform integration definition register ./mesh-manifest.json

Deletes a custom integration definition from a team. This will uninstall it on any active projects. Existing usages of the integration may break. The API key used must have team admin permissions.


uniform integration definition remove integration-hello-world

Deploys a custom edgehancer hook to run when a data resource of a specific archetype is fetched. The API key used must have team admin permissions.


uniform integration definition edgehancer deploy --connectorType playground --archetype default --hook preRequest ./preRequest.mjs

Deletes a custom edgehancer hook from a data connector archetype. The API key used must have team admin permissions.


uniform integration definition edgehancer remove --connectorType playground --archetype default --hook preRequest

Installs an integration to a project. The integration may be built-in or custom. Custom integrations must be registered to the parent team first.


uniform integration install integration-hello-world

Uninstalls an integration from a project. Existing usages of the integration may break.


uniform integration uninstall integration-hello-world