Uniform projects

A project is a collection of configurations to drive an experience. In Uniform, most of the settings that control classification, personalization and layout for your web application are set and stored in a project. To configure these things, you need a project.

When logging into the Uniform app, you will be taken to the project dashboard, where you can see the list of projects you can access. If you don't see the project you were expecting, you may need to check which team's projects you are seeing by opening the list next to the Uniform logo in the header.

Uniform offers a couple of ways to create a new project.

Instructions on how to use the Uniform CLI to create a new project are available in the Uniform CLI guide.

  1. In Uniform, go to the team you want to add the project to.

    About this step

    You can get to the teams page by clicking the Uniform logo in the upper right-hand corner of the Uniform Dashboard.

  2. Click Add new project.
  3. Enter the following values:
    Give your project a nameThe name this will be used to identify your project in Uniform.
    Choose project typeThe available project types depend on your Uniform license.
  4. Click Continue.

In Uniform, navigate to the project dashboard for the appropriate team. Click the three dots "" and select delete. You will be presented with a confirmation message to ensure you want to complete the action.

  • Choose OK to delete the project.
  • Choose Cancel to keep the project.

This is a breaking change

Any code relying on this project or its project ID will break and users with permissions to this project will lose access.

The project ID is needed when you are using the Uniform CLI to interact with Uniform. To determine the project ID:

  1. In Uniform, open your project.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  3. In the left menu, click General.
  4. The project ID is displayed above the Save button.

This example demonstrates how to retrieve details for a Uniform project.

const axios = require("axios"); axios.get('https://uniform.app/api/v1/project', { params: { projectId: "[!!! UNIFORM PROJECT ID !!!]", }, headers: { accept: "application/json", "x-api-key": "[!!! UNIFORM API KEY !!!]", } }).then(response => { const project = response.data; // Do something with the project. });

After a project is created, you can change the following project settings.

The project name is a label that appears throughout the Uniform dashboard. This value is set when the project is created. You can change it at any time.

  1. In Uniform, open your project.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  3. In the left menu, click General.
  4. Set the value for the field Project Name.
  5. Click Save.

The project type determines the Uniform features your project can use. This value is set when the project is created. You can change it at any time.


Changing the project type won't result in any data loss. For example, if you have 10 compositions in your project and you change to a project type that's limited to 6 compositions, you are now 4 compositions over the limit. Those 4 compositions will not be changed in any way. However, you will be unable to publish changes as long as you exceed the project limit.


Project types are controlled by your Uniform license. If you have any questions about the project types available to you, please contact us.

  1. In Uniform, open your project.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  3. In the left menu, click General.
  4. Select the new project type from the dropdown list Project Type.
  5. Click Save.

Uniform dashboard provides access to details about the most recent 50 times the publishing process was triggered. The following information is available:

  • What was published
  • When it was published
  • Details about any webhooks that were invoked

To see the publishing history:

  1. In Uniform, open your project.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  3. In the left menu, click Publishing History.