mParticle Integration

Integrating mParticle with Uniform enables edge personalization with customer data coming from mParticle, delivering exceptional performance and Core Web Vitals.

  • An account for mParticle with access to the Web SDK
  • A Uniform account with access
  • An app set up with the Uniform SDK.
  1. In your Uniform project, navigate to Optimization > Personalization > Quirks.
  2. Click Create a Quirk and set up quirks corresponding to the user attributes you want to use from mParticle.
  3. Create signals based on these quirks in the Signals section.
  4. Click Publish to make this configuration available for your application.
  1. Go to Experience > Compositions and select a composition.
  2. Choose a component and click Personalize This in the Context tab.
  3. Add criteria based on the signals you created.
  4. Author the personalized content and save the composition.

This step is not specific to Uniform. Before you can use mParticle in your app, you need to initialize the SDK.

Front-end framework

The example below are for any React-based app. We will use Next.js specifically in this example.

Add the following code to your app's entry point (e.g., \_app.tsx for Next.js):

import mParticle from "@mparticle/web-sdk"; if (typeof window \!== "undefined") { mParticle.init(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_MPARTICLE_API_KEY as string, {}); }

This part is responsible for sending personalization and test events to mParticle. This is not strictly required for personalization, however if you want to enrich your visitor data with more context, this is a good place to do it.

Create a file named MParticleContextPlugin.ts with the following content:

import { ContextPlugin, PersonalizationEvent, TestEvent, } from "@uniformdev/context"; import mParticle from "@mparticle/web-sdk"; export const enableMParticleAnalytics = (options?: { emitAll?: boolean; }): ContextPlugin => { const { emitAll } = options || {}; return { init: (context) => { if (typeof window === "undefined") { return () => {}; } // Handle emitting personalization results to mParticle const onPersonalizationResult = (result: PersonalizationEvent) => { // Only emit analytics events when personalization changes (not on every re-render) if (!emitAll && !result.changed) { return; } mParticle.logEvent("Uniform Personalization", mParticle.EventType.Other, { personalizationName:, variantIds: result.variantIds .map((variant) => .join(", "), isControlGroup: result.control, } ); }; // Handle emitting test results to mParticle const onTestResult = (result: TestEvent) => { // Only emit analytics events when a variant is assigned (not on every re-render) if (!emitAll && !result.variantAssigned) { return; } mParticle.logEvent("Uniform Test", mParticle.EventType.Other, { testName:, testVariantId: result.variantId, testVariantAssigned: result.variantAssigned, }); };"personalizationResult", onPersonalizationResult);"testResult", onTestResult); return () => {"personalizationResult", onPersonalizationResult);"testResult", onTestResult); }; }, }; };

This component is central to the personalization area. The React component below is responsible for fetching the user's attributes from mParticle and updating the Uniform context with these attributes as quirks.

You can also perform this action from the server-side or from an edge function / middleware / worker if you wish.

Create a component named TrackerScoreSync.tsx with the following content:

import { useEffect } from "react"; import { useUniformContext } from "@uniformdev/context-react"; import mParticle from "@mparticle/web-sdk"; const TrackerScoreSync = () => { const { context } = useUniformContext(); useEffect(() => { const fetchTraits = async () => { // Ensure this runs only on the client side if (typeof window === "undefined") return; // Wait for mParticle to be ready before interacting with the SDK mParticle.ready(() => { const currentUser = mParticle.Identity.getCurrentUser(); // If no current user is available, handle identification logic if (!currentUser) { mParticle.Identity.identify( { userIdentities: { // Replace with your actual mParticle user identification logic email: "", customerid: "12345", }, }, (result) => { if (result.getUser()) { console.log("User identity set successfully"); // Update user context after identifying the new user updateUserContext(result.getUser()); } else { console.error("Error setting user identity", result.getPreviousUser()); } } ); } else { // If user exists, fetch their attributes and update the context updateUserContext(currentUser); } }); }; // Function to update the Uniform context with user attributes from mParticle const updateUserContext \= (currentUser: mParticle.User) => { const userAttributes \= currentUser.getAllUserAttributes(); if (!userAttributes || Object.keys(userAttributes).length === 0) { console.warn("No user attributes found"); return; } // Format user attributes for use in Uniform context const formattedAttributes = Object.keys(userAttributes).reduce( (acc, key) => { const value = userAttributes[key]; acc[key] = Array.isArray(value) ? value.join(", ") : value?.toString() ?? ""; return acc; }, {} as { \[key: string\]: string } ); console.log("User attributes fetched", formattedAttributes); // Update the Uniform context with the fetched user attributes as quirks context.update({ quirks: formattedAttributes, }); }; // Fetch user traits and update context on component mount fetchTraits(); }, [context]); return null; }; export default TrackerScoreSync;
  1. Add the TrackerScoreSync component to your app's main component or layout.
  2. Use the enableMParticleAnalytics function when initializing your Uniform Context.

To enable edge-side personalization:

  1. Choose a CDN that supports programmable edge runtime.
  2. Follow the CDN-specific instructions to set up edge functions or workers:

Following these steps, you'll have successfully integrated mParticle with Uniform, enabling powerful personalization capabilities driven by mParticle's user data.