Uniform Insights

Marketers struggle getting key answers quickly without relying on analysts or crunching data in specialized tools:

  • How is the test that I launched last week performing?
  • What is a winning variant of my A/B test?
  • Did my test reach statistical significance?
  • Which personalization variant is the most performing?
  • What should I be optimizing on my page?

These answers may not be easy to answer in a composable architecture, where content and experience management is disconnected with the tools that measure the performance and effectiveness.

This is the problem Uniform Insights is set to address, helping you to get answers to these questions without calling your analyst, digging in GA4 and without leaving the visual workspace, in real time! The insights are available within a few seconds after anonymized visitor data is collected on your Uniform-enabled digital property.

Uniform Insights helps marketers and growth specialists to understand how their personalization and A/B tests are performing in context of where content and experiences are managed, discover new optimization opportunities and understand the behavior of visitors in real-time.

Get quick answers to what variant is performing better, how it's performing, detect winning variants using statistical significance and how it's doing relative to other variants.

Integrated A/B testing insights

Understand how your personalization is performing, which variant is performing better and how it compares to the baseline.

Integrated personalization insights
  • Fully integrated with the Uniform visual workspace
  • See analytics in context of where content and experiences are managed visually
  • Full control over the data collection (region and data center)
  • Anonymized data collection
  • Real-time data access, see results in seconds
  • Ad blockers friendly
  • No tracking pixels
  • No cookies