Content types

Content types represent the structure for individual pieces of content stored within Uniform. For example, a blog post could have a single-line text input for title, a multi-line text input for summary, a date picker for publish date, and a rich text editor for body. Each of those elements is referred to as a field.

  1. In Uniform, open your project.

  2. Navigate to Experience > Content Types.

    Create a Content Type.
  3. Click Create a Content Type.

  4. Enter the following values:

    FieldDescriptionIs required?
    Content Type NameName that describes the content type or its purpose.Required
    Public IDName that uniquely identifies the content type. This value is available to developers.Required
    Checkbox: Use only for blocksIf selected, can be set as an allowed type in a block field; can't be used to create a standalone entry.
    Checkbox: Autogenerate data typesIf selected, data types (for single entry and query) for the content type will be automatically generated.
    IconThe icon displayed next to the content type and any entries created from it. This helps users immediately identify elements.
    DescriptionA brief description of what the content type is for to help authors understand how entries created from it will be used.
    Example: Add a 'Movie' content type.

Fields are the individual pieces that make up a content type. To add a field:

  1. Open or create the Content Type you want to add fields to and scroll down to the Fields tab.
    Add a field to a content type.
  2. Click Add field.
  3. Select a field type. The field type determines the kind of value you can set for the field. Learn more about how to configure individual fields.
    Select which type of field to create.
  4. Click Save on the bottom of the dialog to update the field configuration. To add another field you can also select Save and add another option in the button dropdown.
  5. After all field updates are complete, make sure to save the content type to apply your changes.

Now that your content type is complete you can create a content entry based on its structure.