Search box

This component provides a search box for users to perform a text-based query.

The Search Box component comes with:

  • Search box parameters: This corresponds to the searchBox widget provided by Algolia.

There are no default configurations for Slots or Variants. Learn more about configuring components.

When you add the Search Box component to a composition, you will need to configure the parameter to bring in data from the Algolia search index.

  1. Click the "Edit Value" button in the Parameters section.

  2. Enter the placeholder text to be displayed in the search box.

  3. Toggle the "Search As You Type" box to the desired state. If checked, a search is initiated on every change to the query. If not checked, new searches will only be triggered by pressing the Enter key with the search box selected.

  4. Click the red "Save" button to save your changes to the composition.

You can add additional components within the Widgets slot provided.