Component Starter Kit tutorial
App router version available
This tutorial is based on Next.js Page Router. If you are starting a new project now, you may want to start with App Router version of CSK, available here, as it's now a default new way to build Next.js apps. The steps of this tutorial won't be different other than the areas where you work within Next.js routing features.
This tutorial describes building a Uniform-powered composable website using the Uniform Component Starter Kit. At the end of this tutorial, you'll learn to:
- Create a web application using the Uniform Component Starter Kit.
- Add new components to your web application.
- Keep experience data out of your content model.
- Connect external systems to your components without writing any code.
- Create pages for dynamic URLs.
- Deploy your web application to a CDN.
This tutorial is available on Uniform Connect
Connect is Uniform's customer and partner portal. A video walk through of this tutorial is available there. For more information, see the Uniform Connect Portal.