
When building a composable tech stack with headless systems, you're faced with a challenge: where do you define the presentation logic? Front-end developers, mobile application developers, and other developers are the people with the skills to implement presentation logic.

It's easy enough for the developer to handle all the presentation logic early in the project. But as time goes on, this becomes a bottleneck when everything gets filtered through a developer:

  • Marketers want to make a change to promote a new campaign.
  • Merchandisers want to change up the featured products on the home page.

But going in the complete opposite direction and giving marketers and merchandisers a tool that gives them control over presentation logic has its own challenges:

  • It's hard to maintain user-experience consistency.
  • Application performance can suffer.
  • The ability to preserve site design can be compromised.

Uniform offers an approach that maintains flexibility and independence for all teams. Developers retain full control over the front-end. They can use the technology they want. The front-end components they create are available within Uniform Canvas, where digital teams can use those components to build experiences within the constraints the developer creates.

Below are some foundational elements for managing the experience layer in Uniform.

ComponentsCreate and manage components, the building blocks of Uniform.
CompositionsCreate and manage compositions, which define the experience created for your end users.
Visual editing in CanvasLearn about the Canvas visual editor.
PatternsCreate and manage patterns.
Data modelingConfigure connections with your composable stack with Uniform Mesh.