Contentful integration

Contentful is a known Headless CMS allowing to model and store structured content and use it across channels.

This integration allows marketers to build modern personalized digital experiences (websites, web apps, mobile apps, etc.) visually by re-purposing content from any number of your Contentful spaces back-end and mix and match content from other sources, so you don't have to integrate external systems into your CMS.

  1. Give marketers a friendly visual authoring tool to build pages without developer dependency.
  2. Give authors and editors visibility into what goes into their pages, and eliminate publishing anxiety that is common when using headless CMS.
  3. Save on content types by moving modeling of pages, components and anything related to the experience layer to Uniform.
  4. Leverage fast edge-side personalization and A/B testing with your Contentful content that runs without flicker.
  5. Augment your Contentful entries with Uniform enrichment tags, enabling behavioral personalization and tracking.
  6. Consolidate content from multiple Contentful spaces into a single Uniform project.
  7. Reduce your Headless CMS dependency lock-in by leveraging Uniform as composable integration layer.

Combining the power of both Uniform and Contentful allows you to bring value using these two different avenues.

This is particularly relevant if you are building digital experiences in Uniform and you need to source content for your components from Contentful.

This approach can be additive to the 1st use case and is typically relevant if you have an existing Contentful-powered web experience and you need to add personalization into your CMS.