The Uniform redirect file converter

The redirect file converter is a Node.js script designed to help export redirects into a file format destined for other platforms to perform the redirects.

The recommended approach is to use a .env file with the following properties:



import { RedirectFileConverter } from '@uniformdev/redirect'

This contains a function used to convert Uniform redirects to another format.

RedirectFileConverter({ client, // Redirect SDK client, automatically provisioned if using the env file from above redirectEntryObject, // Function to convert a Uniform redirect object into your desired format wildcardConverter, // Function to convert the format of wildcards from the Uniform format :wildcard to the desired format writeFile, // Function that writes out to a file, or processes the resulting converted output })


Convert a Uniform defined redirect into another format


  • redirect: singular redirect object


  • object representing the new format for the redirect
const redirectEntryObject = (r) => ({ source: r.redirect.sourceUrl, destination: r.redirect.targetUrl, permanent: r.redirect.targetStatusCode === 301, })

Different platforms require different formats for wildcards, use this converter to adjust your wildcards. Here is an example for converting Uniform wildcards /:wildcard -> /:wildcard to those used by Cloudflare /* -> /$1.


  • sourceUrl: source URL as defined by Uniform
  • sourceWildcards: array of defined wildcards, each having a pathSegment, the text value of wildcard and index where it occurs in the source URL
  • targetUrl: target URL as defined by Uniform
  • targetWildcards: array of defined wildcards, each having a pathSegment, the text value of wildcard and index where it occurs in the target URL


  • sourceUrl: source URL with wildcards converted into a new form
  • targetUrl: target URL with wildcards converted into a new form
const wildcardConverter = ({ sourceUrl, sourceWildcards, targetUrl, targetWildcards, }) => { const wildcardPosition = new Map() let count = 1 sourceWildcards.forEach((w) => { if (w.pathSegment === '*') return wildcardPosition.set(w.pathSegment, count++) sourceUrl = sourceUrl.replace(w.pathSegment, '*') }) if ( sourceWildcards.length && sourceWildcards[sourceWildcards.length - 1].pathSegment === '*' ) { wildcardPosition.set(':splat', count) } targetWildcards.forEach((w) => { targetUrl = targetUrl.replace( w.pathSegment, `$${wildcardPosition.get(w.pathSegment)}` ) }) return { sourceUrl, targetUrl } }

Take the converted Uniform objects to be processed.


  • redirects: array of converted objects.
function writeFile(redirects) { if (!fs.existsSync('out')) { fs.mkdirSync('out') } fs.writeFile( 'out/nextJsRedirects.json', JSON.stringify(redirects, undefined, ' '), (e) => { if (e) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(e) } } ) }

Convert Uniform to Next.js redirect format

RedirectFileConverter({ redirectEntryObject: (r) => ({ source: r.redirect.sourceUrl, destination: r.redirect.targetUrl, permanent: r.redirect.targetStatusCode === 301, }), writeFile(redirects) { fs.writeFile( 'out/nextJsRedirects.json', JSON.stringify(redirects, null, 4), (e) => { if (e) { console.log(e) } } ) }, })